Proyecto: “La Lengua de las Mariposas”


Realismo postmoderno:

El término posmodernidad fue en el ámbito del arte utilizado para movimientos artísticos, culturales, literarios y filosóficos del siglo XX. El realismo postmoderno emergió con los Schlegel y el romanticismo alemán y proclama la autonomía del arte respecto de la realidad y del presente. Características:

  • Antidualista: A diferencia de la filosofía occidental que creó dualismo, el posmodernismo promueve el pluralismo y la diversidad. Asegura buscar los intereses de “los otros” (los marginados y oprimidos por personas con otras ideologías).
  • Cuestiona los textos: Los textos históricos o literarios, no revelan la intención del autor, ni pueden decirnos “qué sucedió en realidad”. Más bien, estos textos reflejan los prejuicios y la cultura particular del escritor.
  • El giro lingüístico: El lenguaje moldea nuestro pensamiento y que no hay pensamiento sin lenguaje. Así que el lenguaje crea literalmente, realidad.
  • La verdad como perspectiva: No tenemos acceso a la realidad, a la verdad, sino solamente a lo que percibimos nosotros.

La obra “La Lengua de las Mariposas” podría considerarse parte de este movimiento. Para empezar en esta historia se puede ver claramente la característica antes mencionada del antidualismo, ya que la nouvelle se basa en la vida marginada de los republicanos (Ej:Don Gregorio) y que luego de la victoria franquista son perseguidos y oprimidos, por la desigualdad en la ideología política. También podemos encontrar la verdad como perspectiva, pero de una forma menos insinuada. Al igual que las nosotros en este futuro no sabemos exactamente qué pasó en la guerra y juzgamos a base de lo que percibimos, lo mismo le pasa a Pardal (protagonista de la nouvelle) quien a pesar de estar en el momento y lugar preciso de la guerra civil, actúa en base de lo que percibe (Ej: la ira de su padre al final de la historia). Por último, también de forma menos notoria, podemos decir que la cualidad sobre el cuestionamiento de textos se puede interpretar de la siguiente manera: la historia es un texto literario y a su vez histórico, ya que cuenta una situación que pasó en la realidad, por lo tanto no solo nos dice “que pasó en realidad”, sino que también refleja el pensamiento del autor. Esto se vuelve claro a lo largo del cuento, cuando describen a los republicanos como personas cultas que no se dejan manipular (Ej: Don Gregorio como profesor).


    • Pardal (seis años):                                                                                                            Él relata la historia con seis años. Es hijo de un sastre y una madre muy religiosa, además tiene un hermano. Tenía pavor del colegio y en su primera clase la pasa mal y escapa, pero después es bienvenido por el profesor quien lo convierte en un chico aplicado y ávido de conocimiento y con el que irá afianzando la relación a lo largo de la nouvelle.  


    • Don Gregorio/el sapo:                                                                                                     Es el nuevo maestro de Pardal. A diferencia de otros profesores de la época, él no pega y está interesado en que los chicos aprendan y realmente desarrollen curiosidad sobre lo que aprenden. En algún punto de la historia se da a conocer que es republicano y no se deja “comprar” por padres que quieren controlar la vida de sus hijos dentro del colegio.


    • Ramón (el padre, sastre y republicano)
    • Madre (religiosa)
    • Cordeiro (el recogedor de basura y hojas secas)
    • Dombodán (amigo de la escuela)
    • Romualdo (alumno que leyó con una voz increíble)
    • Amelia (la vecina)
    • Suárez (el indiano)


Temas tratados en la nouvelle:

Un tema tratado en “La Lengua de las mariposas” es la relación especial entre un adulto y un menor. A lo largo de la nouvelle y de la película el maestro Don Gregorio y su alumno Pardal establecen una relación amistosa. Los une la pasión por aprender y descubrir de Gorrión y el aporte de las experiencias como maestro de Don Gregorio. Pardal llega a la escuela con las historias de su hermano en la cabeza. Es por eso que la primera vez que ve a Don Gregorio le describe como: “aquel maestro feo como un bicho” y lo apoda el Sapo, ambas ideas se vuelven luego en cosas positivas, el apodo en algo cariñoso y los feos bichos en el tema que más le interesa investigar.  Así surge la amistad entre ellos, que se convierte en pasar tardes en el bosque buscando bichos que analizar.

Otro tema tratado es la escuela durante la Segunda República española, cuyo objetivo fue una educación pública, obligatoria, mixta y con determinadas ideologías. La república se propuso llenar las escuelas con los mejores maestros, pero los docentes de la época tenían una educación casi tan miserable como su salario. Se organizaba cursos de reciclaje didáctico para ellos. Más tarde los maestros eran personas cultas , eran los  intelectuales del pueblo y aunque vivían con precariedad, ejercieron de una forma digna.

En la película y en la nouvelle,  el maestro Don Gregorio es presentado como un maestro diferente a los que eran común en la época.  A diferencia de otros maestros no castiga con golpes, sino que con el silencio. Captura a sus alumnos de una forma que parecen estar interesados en aprender. Le gusta enseñar a través de la experiencia y la observación. Esto se  puede notar en la nouvelle cuando lleva a sus alumnos a dar clases fuera del aula en la naturaleza o cuando pasa tardes con Pardal en el bosque. Le brinda a sus alumnos un espacio educativo esencial donde pueden desarrollar su asignatura mientras están en contacto con la naturaleza. Otra diferencia es que luego de la escapada de Pardal del colegio en su primer día, Don Gregorio le hace una visita en su casa, le pide perdón y lo invita a la escuela. Esto probablemente no lo haría cualquier otro profesor en esa época.

La infancia durante la Guerra Civil española también es un tema tratado en “La Lengua de las mariposas”.

En la nouvelle se puede ver como la vida de Pardal es constantemente interrumpida por los problemas ocurridos en el país debido a la guerra.  Cuando los fascistas ganaron la guerra y comienzan a imponer sus ideologías en España los republicanos, incluido Don Gregorio, son quitados del pueblo en el que vive Pardal con su familia. Claramente se nota que Pardal está confundido cuando llegan los militares en camiones y se llevan a los republicanos para matarlos, y más todavía cuando las personas alrededor suyo empiezan a gritar e insultarlos. Los niños no entendían por qué y seguramente tampoco se les explicaba la razón.  La guerra civil afectó a muchos niños porque no pudieron estudiar o muy poco, muchos crecían sin padres o hermanos, y sufrían de traumas. Su infancia durante esta época no fue para nada una infancia ideal.


Tipo de narrador y citas:

La nouvelle está narrada en primera persona. El personaje principal, Gorrión, cuenta la historia como si estuviera relatando un hecho del pasado. Es decir, describe lo que siente y sus pensamientos.

  • “Sentí como si me golpeasen con latas en las orejas. “¿Pardal?””
  • “Cuando los otros chavales se dieron cuenta, las carcajadas aumentaron y resonaban como latigazos. Huí. Eché a correr como un locuelo con alas.”


Unidad cronotópica:

El cuento es claramente, al igual que su autor, de España. Sin embargo no se especifica que lugar de España, simplemente habla de una zona más bien rural, en la que todos se conocen entre sí: “Otros niños de mi edad ya trabajaban. Pero mi padre era sastre y no tenía ni tierras ni ganado”.

Al principio del cuento la vida se muestra tranquila, Pardal disfruta de la naturaleza y tiene un afán por conocer. A medida que la historia va avanzando, la situación se llena de tensión y de odio iniciado por la frágil situación política.

Esto se debe a que el cuento transcurre durante la guerra civil de España entre 1936 a 1939, donde los republicanos lucharon contra los franquistas y la iglesia: “”Los maestros no ganan

lo que tendrían que ganar”, sentenciaba, con sentida solemnidad, mi padre. “Ellos son las luces

de la República”. “¡La República, la República! ¡Ya veremos adónde va a parar la República!””


Figuras retóricas:

  • Ironía: ““¡La República, la República! ¡Ya veremos adónde va a parar la República!””
  • Comparación: “Ir por el mundo volando, con esos trajes de fiesta, y parar en flores como tabernas con barriles llenos de almíbar.”
  • Antítesis: “Mi padre contaba como un tormento, como si le arrancaran las amígdalas con la mano, la forma en que el maestro les arrancaba la jeada del habla, para que no dijesen ajua ni jato ni jracias.”
  • Hipérbole: “El día llegó con una claridad de delantal de carnicero.”
  • ???: El miedo, como un ratón, me roían las entrañas.”
  • Sinestesia, imágen sensorial, visual: “Yo solo, en la cima, sentado en la silla de piedra, bajo las estrellas, mientras que en el valle se movían como luciérnagas los que con candil andaban en mi busca.”
  • Enumeración: “La hierba, la lana, la oveja, mi frío.”
  • Metáfora: “Las hormigas cuidaban de un ganado que daba leche y azúcar y cultivaban setas.”
  • Oxímoron: “Oí el estruendo de una moto solitaria.”


Cuadro comparativo entre la obra literaria “La Lengua de las Mariposas” y su transposición al cine en la película homónima de José Luis Cuerda:                             

Nouvelle Película


Manuel Rivas

José Luis Cuerda

Año de estreno o publicación





Don Gregorio

Manuel Lozano

Fernando Fernán Gómez


Principio: El problema de Pardal es la escuela, él no está consciente de la guerra que se avecina en su propio país, ni de la posición en la que se encuentra su familia.

Al final termina encantado con la escuela gracias a su maestro quien enseña de una forma en la que los chicos disfrutan de aprender.

También se puede decir, que la relación de Pardal con su familia se mantiene la misma tanto en la película como en la nouvelle.

Principio: Lo mismo


La película incluye también otro cuento, el saxo en la niebla,  que influyen en la histori

a principal, la lengua de las mariposas.

También aparece un personaje no mencionado en la historia, Aurora, la “noviecita” de Pardal, también es su vecina. Ella parece tenerle mucho afecto y tenerlo presente en toda situación relacionada con diversión e inocencia.

Chat de Whatsapp entre manuel Rivas, Manuel Lueiro Rey, Arturo del Hoyo y Frédéric Rossif:


Interpretación en formato twitt:

Ver el hecho histórico de la guerra civil española a través de los ojos de un niño, llamar la atención del lector y así éste se interesa por lo que está pasando. También da un punto de vista muy inocente para una situación realmente complicada. Esto es lo interesante del cuento.


Enlaces utilizados:


2) Imagenes de protagonistas:

3)  Imágen de la relación amistosa entre un adulto y un menor:

Imágen de la escuela:

Imágen de la infancia: t&rlz=1C1GCEU_esAR839AR839&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEuKbjqKriAhXXH7kGHWBHAuQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=mLaVpPak3PAmRM:



What we learned – Sophie Schwald, Camila Moncayo and Olivia Kraus

This year we learned one of the most important tasks this subject is able to provide – computer programming = coding; what it is, and even how to manage to create a program with some backup knowledge about the basic fundamentals of code. To briefly introduce you too, to the magical world of computer science you might want to know what it is in the first place. Even if you may have heard this concept once or twice it is okay to not really know what people are talking about when they use terms like “Terminal” or “de-bugging”. This is because only recent technological advances have given coding the sufficient amount of importance for it to be part of the school program; But don’t worry, we’ve got you=  coding is basically the computer “language” to develop apps, websites and software. It all runs on code. But, how does it work, you might be wondering in this precise moment; well,to put it simply, the code is what tells your computer what to do. Now, before you start panicking about the mere thought of machines being able to understand instructions, and will therefore in a near future develop an independent intelligence, take over and demolish the human race, stop: computers don’t understand words; they only understand the concepts of on and off. The computers capabilities are guided by on and of transitioners or switches. The transitory are represented as the digits 1 and 0 in your code. This means that an infinite number of combinations of these codes is what make your computer run, or do what it has to do. In order to be able to manage code, computer programming languages were formed such as python, perl, Java and many more. They each serve for different functions but are all mainly used to translate important commands into binary code.

The most valid benefits students achieve when learning about coding in such an early stage of life are the following…

  • Hand crafting your own websites
  • Becoming a career coder
  • Starting a technological business
  • Being able to understand how important tools we nowadays use for our everyday life work: computers
  • With the further development and advance in technology, it will undoubtedly take up a big part of our working environment in the future: we might as well be prepared for it.


How did we manage, as a bunch of 15 year olds, to be able to understand and even work with activities involving code based problem solving? Well, when introduced to it correctly, starting out with one of the most beginner – friendly programming language there is available, the journey of learning computer science is a step by step process that might require a little bit of patience at the beginning, because of its difficulty to properly understand, but once you do and start to slowly get along with it, it is a very fun activity to operate and the experience overall is very satisfying.

One of the most usual languages that come in action when you are freshly starting of in computer programming is Python. This is because python was specifically designed to be easy to work with and fun to use (fun is a great motivator when it comes to adolescents). Python handles a lot of complexity for it’s users, and therefore allows them to be more focused on learning programming concepts instead of having to be worrying about the details.

Even with pythons flexibility, it is very hard and takes a lot of effort to learn how to code on your very own. So we had a little help = “learning python the hard way” a book written by Zed Shaw, that guided us through our learning phases. This is how we made our way to succeed in learning Python: we worked through 52 amazingly crafted exercises. The system the author provides in his book so that you, as a reader, begin to read, write and think about code is simply brilliant:

It consists in reading the exercise carefully, making sure you can understand. The copying the code precisely, without copying and pasting (this is a method for you learn how to type and not forget your piece of code). After that watch the programs run and try to figure out how each piece of code contributed to the result you see after having executed it. Fix your mistakes if necessary.

This will allow you to think like a real coder, to process information of this kind and how to convert it. Some of the most relevant information this book can give, Which is also necessary to start writing good python software on your own will be present in the following list:

  • Installing a complete python environment
  • Organizing and writing code
  • Basic mathematics
  • Variables
  • Strings and text
  • Interacting with users
  • Working with files
  • Looping and logic
  • Program design
  • Python packaging
  • Automated testing
  • Basic game development
  • Basic web development


We had the pleasure to talk to Isabelle Schwald, a graduate who experienced the subject of informatics a little different than we did, because of the time gap.


Here´s a collage of a part of our work in class and at home:

Third term — Third deadline


What is it?

BlocksCAD is an education technology company dedicated to creating tools that help students of all ages pursue their love of science, technology, engineering, art, and math. BlocksCAD, is a cloud-based 3D modeling tool that encourages users to learn math, computational thinking and coding concepts through visualization and designing models to be 3D printed. Its precise geometric input requirements make it ideal for learning and for creating designs with strict tolerances.

As we already said, BlocksCAD is a program where you can learn the basics of coding. In this program you can edit 2D and 3D objects with a lot of functions. Later, if you want, you can print it in 3D. BlocksCAD is very simmilar than scratch, another program to learn how to code. Instead of using “print” you use blocks with functions that the object you create must do.
With BlocksCAD, the user has to create something for himself. The right or wrong things does’n exist with this program, because it consis in let you brain be creative.
For show you, we did a 3D figure (snowmann). If we have to say the truth, it was not verry difficult for us to do.


Third term — Third deadline

Silent teacher

What is it?

The silent teacher is a minimalist game where beginners can discover what coding is all about and the key concepts behind code, with no explanations given. Through several series of questions, the player is led to guess the rules of this language and learn from his own mistakes.


This game is an introduction to the concept of programming. After finishing Silent Teacher, a player will not necessarily be able to write code, even basic one, but has an overview of what code is and has mastered a few basic concepts about it.


As you can see, in the first exercise, you have to add the two numbers. How do we know that? Because between the two different number is a ”+”. It happens the same, with the two others exercise, but instead of adding the two numbers, you have to multiply or subtract, because between the two number is a “*” or a “-”.

In this exercise, there are variables. What does that mean? That means that the letters has special values (numbers) and this is how you know which value each letter has. To get the result right you have to add, multiply or subtract, depending the sign.

One of the concepts we learn this year, was the “True or False Table”, and how to use it. In this exercise we have to apply it. How do we know that? Because we can see these signs: “=”, “===”, “!===”, “<”, “or”, “and” or “>”.

In this exercise, we can tell that there are variables. This is nothing new. The new thing here, is the “a.length” that appears under that. This “word” means that you have to count how many letters the variable have (a).

In this exercise, we can find this new function called “return”. This word indicates the value of the variable or word that is over it.



Activity number 10

BlocksCad and Silent Teacher

Activity Nr.10


 This new activity is something entirely new for us. We have never done a 3D object and we are very enthusiastic to do it. Our first question was what 3D object, to use in real life, could we  create . And our second question was how to create it.


 our first attempt
   Our second attempt




After many hours, we end with our final work: a cup with our own name.

This video we explain how we create our cup:


Silent Teacher

Another activity is Silent Teacher. There are many functions, in which we can do like mathematics calculations. There are many levels. Depending on the level the calculation might be easier or more difficult.

 Trying to solve maths problems
 In this video we explained how the programm works and how to solve the maths problems:


Last deadline of the year!


This year is coming to an end and this is our last deadline!!

For our last NTYCX activity we must to talk about two different applications, silent teacher and BlocksCAD.



The idea of “Silent Teacher” is that the user discovers the basics of programming without any word or explanation. There is a mute professor that will make you several series of questions that will lead you to guess some rules and learn of your own mistakes. There is no text in the game so that it is accessible to any player whatever their language is.


We had a short interview with the creator of Silent Teacher.

US:”¿Was this program originally made for teaching how to code?”

HIM:”This is a side project, and the goal is not to teach how to code. The real goal is far less ambitious. I just wanted people to catch a glimpse of what is coding. It’s like stepping into un unknown world for a few minutes. And it’s not aimed at everybody. Some people are driven away by written explanations, or can feel patronized very quick, and I wanted to address that. Here, the first questions make you feel confident, then with tries and errors, by yourself (or apparently so) you understand a bit how this works.”

US:”¿How did yogurt the idea to create this?”

HIM:” I was never able to explain how code works to my wife. She is math-o-phobic and she never gave me the chance to explain… just the fact of explaining something like this scares her away. But one day, sitting next to her on the train, I opened my JavaScript console and began typing 3 + 4, then without a word I pointed the keyboard and screen to her… 20 minutes later we were doing functions and variables, without even a word. This is how this project was born.”


BlocksCAD is a program to learn the basics of coding where you can edit 2D and 3D objects with a lot of functions to later print it in 3D, this made us remember of scratch, another program to learn how to code. Instead of using “print” you use blocks with functions that the object you create must do.

This text can be found on BlocksCAD web page:

BlocksCAD is an education technology company dedicated to creating tools that help students of all ages pursue their love of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).  Our signature product, BlocksCAD, is a cloud-based 3D modeling tool that encourages users to learn math, computational thinking and coding concepts through visualization and designing models to be 3D printed.



Words of the BlocksCAD CEO:

“Our unique value proposition is that we empower educators to enhance their teaching with 3D printers, whereby we effectively bridge the gap between the engagements that technology offers and student learning”


BlocksCAD helps educators at the intersection of math, coding, and design.

Realizing the challenges of the existing commercial CAD (computer aided design) software from an academic perspective, Solomon Menashi, CEO; and Jennie Yoder CTO, founded BlocksCAD and created the BlocksCAD for Education platform to address the needs that teachers and students encounter when using 3D printers and makerspaces.



Agustin Klockner May, Santiago Pacheco Kramer, Tobias Hoefner and Santiago Hinz

Last post!

Catalina Cettolo, Renata Nicolini, Sofía Salinas Rivera, Julieta Echarri

Last post!



We have been working very hard this entire year and finally it is coming to an end.

This last post is very important because it is our last mark and that’s why our teacher decided to do something easier and more enjoyable.

The programs we have been using are called BlocksCad and Silent Teacher.



  • Reminds us of scratch
  • It’s not that difficult to understand it because we have experience with programs like this
  • It is interesting how many different shapes you can create and put together
  • You can combine the colors and choose how much of every color you want to use


Similarities with Python


To create the object we have to do a lot of things that we also did Python this year. 

These two programs have the same concept in which they use the coding to do an end result you can use, every day. 




As it we said earlier, blocks can remind us of Python, because, we think the principal similarity is that, while coding or as you do in BlockCad, putting pieces, you become the result you have been looking for. Another one is that without on component or maybe a word, the project is not going to be the same, so basically it is like a pyramid and if you take one piece, everything falls apart. 


Finished Products


We think that it is very cool that we can create an object that we imagine.

We created some examples for you to see.


As you can see, you can create whatever object you want and decide different things, for example, the color of the parts of the object.




  • Easy ?? : Is this program so easy?
  • Variables?
  • “This feels like a game but it is actually a programming program”

Progression of Difficulty

At first, we didn’t understand a thing, because most of our classmates were saying that this program was very difficult but our first problem was “2+2” and we were confused, as we thought this was very easy and not really similar to what we have been doing with Python.

But as we were going forward, the problems went from easier to very difficult.

There were variables involved and then we immediately, tried until we remembered what we had to do. Once we understood the question and we connected it, with what we did in the first Term, the exercises became much easier to complete.

At the end of all levels, we were very proud of ourselves, because we remembered the majority of the technicalities of Python.


We believe, at the beginning of the year, it was very hard to understand the concepts explained in class. It was almost like learning another language. With time, we understood coding is everywhere we look. Every game, computer, social media platform, can’t live without codes. So for us, this learning experience, has made us grow and understand, how what we learn in class, can be seen on a day to day basis.



Tutorial 3

1. Introduction

Last demonstration about Coding

What is our goal?

So as you may know we´ve been working since the beginning of the year with coding, mostly with Python and Powershell. Coding is not something easy to do, not even to learn, but is not as hard as it looks if you are really interested. So for the last part of our work we wanted to show the things we learned over the year by applying it to other programs.

What we used:

Silent Teacher


What you can do:

  • Silent Teacher:
  1.  Learn Maths!
  2. Learn different concepts of coding (ex; lists, variables, functions, etc.)
  3.  Win a certificate! (if you are able to pass all the levels)
  • BlocksCAD:
  1.  Understand the 3D dimension
  2.  Understand the operation of a programming
  3.  Make a 3D object in which form you like and if you want to print it (imagine a spaceship or a building)

What you should need:

Video 1: help by Silent Teacher

Video 2: Help by BlocksCAD

What you can find interesting:

What you may miss:

So this is our final Tutorial (maybe) hope you liked what we have done and that our post, videos, and audios helped. This year was a real challenge but in the end, we have learned a lot. Thankyou!


BlocksCAD and Silent Teacher

Everyone is really anxious for the end of this school year and we are really exited to explain our last activity for this term. We used two compleatly new websites called blocks CAD and Silent Teacher.

We recorded an audio explaining how these websites work and the way they help students nowadays.

We prepared a table in which we compare some aspects of both websites and summarized the most important things said in the audio.

BlocksCAD Silent Teacher
The user has to create something for himself. Doesn’t use examples nor corrects wrong things. teaching-without-talking technique in which a teacher uses examples instead of words to involve students
Teaches geometry Teaches coding
Helps people to see what they are doing on a screen and understand how the figures change regarding their positions and lengths. Insists with the same exercises until he user understands how it works and  gets it right. Helps see how much difference a minuscule thing as quotation marks can make.
Presents coding as blocks you can pile together Presents coding as simple maths operations
The user is able to see how many functions work together and how they have to be put in order The user is able to understand how single functions or signs work and the results they produce.

Many of you may still wonder how silent teacher works and how it looks like and maybe also how it relates with notepad or IDLE, which are the coding platforms we used all year long, so we made a video that will help you out with that.

Last, but not least,  we made a 3D figure using blocksCAD so that  it would be easier to explain how it works and the way to put all these figures together. We don’t think it was particularly difficult, but really long. Choosing every piece and taking it to its correct place so that everything fits allright may sometimes be really tyring, but we did it. We chose to make a Grizzly Bear. We hope you enjoy it.

We had fun working on this project, although we didn’t have that much time to work on it. We  believe ti was a good way to come out of the usual python and notepad coding exercises and try something new. As an ending to this last post, we put together a picture collage that generally sums up our work this term.

On the top row you can see a certificate we won for compleating all the levels of silent teacher nd some of the problems on the web page. On the bottom left corner there is a screenshot of BlocksCAD’s main page with a started project. and on the other side a picture a team member took while working in the library. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


Team Members:  Juana Casado, Louisa Habig and Nicolas Martone