Third term — Third deadline

Silent teacher

What is it?

The silent teacher is a minimalist game where beginners can discover what coding is all about and the key concepts behind code, with no explanations given. Through several series of questions, the player is led to guess the rules of this language and learn from his own mistakes.


This game is an introduction to the concept of programming. After finishing Silent Teacher, a player will not necessarily be able to write code, even basic one, but has an overview of what code is and has mastered a few basic concepts about it.


As you can see, in the first exercise, you have to add the two numbers. How do we know that? Because between the two different number is a ”+”. It happens the same, with the two others exercise, but instead of adding the two numbers, you have to multiply or subtract, because between the two number is a “*” or a “-”.

In this exercise, there are variables. What does that mean? That means that the letters has special values (numbers) and this is how you know which value each letter has. To get the result right you have to add, multiply or subtract, depending the sign.

One of the concepts we learn this year, was the “True or False Table”, and how to use it. In this exercise we have to apply it. How do we know that? Because we can see these signs: “=”, “===”, “!===”, “<”, “or”, “and” or “>”.

In this exercise, we can tell that there are variables. This is nothing new. The new thing here, is the “a.length” that appears under that. This “word” means that you have to count how many letters the variable have (a).

In this exercise, we can find this new function called “return”. This word indicates the value of the variable or word that is over it.



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